Crypto Burnout on the Rise: What You Need To Know

Crypto Burnout

You’re focused… you put in the work… you need to get this price… you want to make this money… you need to make it back… you’re aiming for a win…

It just doesn’t stop. You live and breathe crypto.

In my clinical practice, I hear my clients describing similar experiences over and over again and here’s what I come across:

  • Eyes glued to the charts

  • Trying to time the market

  • Sacrificing sleep

  • Fixating on “what could have been”

  • Fomo around not buying coins

  • Mood dependant on the state of the markets

Crypto burnout would explain that - think of it as Fintech flavoured fatigue. 

The world of crypto is more active today than it ever has been. Unlike the traditional stock market, you’re dealing with a market that doesn’t know sleep.

Crypto can be all consuming in many ways. 

You work around the clock, reach the point of exhaustion, hit the 2x quicker than you thought you would - you’re pumped and you raise the bar, and in no time, you get so deep into it that it’s an uphill battle to find your way back out.

The reality is that if you’re not factoring in your mental health, you likely will run into some trouble seeing as the grips of stress and burnout can be tight.

For one thing, your chances of sustainability can decrease drastically, or even go off the table all together. 

When you’re buried in so deep, it’s times like these that can jeopardize your decision making, your mental and physical health, and of course, your profitability. 

Crypto stress and burnout

Keeping that in mind, you might want to push out of your comfort zone, pass on that extra serving of stress hormones, and rather, consider being a little more bullish about your mental health.

Doing so doesn’t mean quitting, and it also doesn’t mean losing. Think of it as strategizing so that you’re increasing your sustainability (or even just making it a realistic option) while also launching yourself forward and allowing yourself to experience a sense of fulfillment in your life. At the end of the day, if you’re constantly living on egg shells and not enjoying the fruits of your labour, what’s it all really worth?

All that being said, I wouldn’t be doing this justice without acknowledging how impactful the world of crypto is. Alongside many others, I too am eager and excited to see where this community will continue to take us and how it can help our society grow on a systemic level.

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